About the Journal


The International Journal of Skills and Developmental Studies (IJSDS) aims to advance knowledge and understanding of skills development and workforce training by publishing high-quality, original research and articles on a wide range of topics related to the TVET sector. This journal is a forum for the exchange of ideas and information among scholars, researchers, educators, and policymakers of the TVET Sector.


The International Journal of Skills and Developmental Studies is an interdisciplinary scholarly journal that aims to publish research and articles on a wide range of topics related to skills development, technology, innovation and management issues in the contest of local and international markets. The scope of the journal covers various areas of research and practice, such as:

  1. Curriculum design, development, implementation, and evaluation in the context of skills development and workforce education.
  2. Teacher preparation, professional development, and support for educators in skills development and workforce education contexts.
  3. Learning and assessment methods, including how students acquire skills and how their skills and knowledge are measured.
  4. The relationship between skills development policies, strategies, and practices, and how they impact workforce development.
  5. Technical and vocational education, including practical skills, knowledge, and technical training required for specific trades or occupations.
  6. Apprenticeships and work-based learning programs, and their effectiveness in promoting skills development and workforce readiness.
  7. Human resource development, including the management and development of human resources in the workplace and the role of skills development in human resource management.
  8. Workforce development in various sectors and industries, and the role of skills development in building a skilled workforce.
  9. Economic and labor market analysis, including the relationship between skills, education, and the labor market, and its effect on workforce development and economic growth.
  10. Research on the impact of emerging technologies on the effectiveness of technical education, including the role of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics in improving student outcomes.
  11. Management of work environment and workforce for maximizing productivity of the workers.